Mama Sonto from Gomora beautiful pictures of our legendary actor

South African actress of Malawi heritage Connie Chiume (born 5 June 1952). Her flicks Black Panther, Black Is King and Blessers and Zone 14 and Rhythm city TV are the most famous of the two.

She was the ‘Stella Moloi’ actress in 2005 in the Zone 14 series of drama SABC1, where she received the Golden Horn award. It remained the leading part until 2010, when the serial was immensely popular. During SAFTA III she was also awarded the Best Promoting Schauspieler Award. She appeared in 2015 with the maternal role ‘Mamokete Khuse’ in the Rhythm City Soap Opera. In South Africa the show became very popular.







In 2006 she took the lead in plays including You Strike The Woman and You Strike The Rock. She performed the part ‘Mam’Sonto Molefe’ on the TV drama series Gomora in 2020. She also appeared in the same year in another Black Is King television series. She was a fussy mother in the series. She received her first nomination for the Feather Award in October 2020.

In 2018, the famous South African actor John Kani starred in the Hollywood Blockbuster Black Panther Film. The Mining Tribe Elder’s role in the film she played.