I guess it’s true when they say giving birth is between life and death. When a woman gives birth there is a chance that she might not make it, because it is said that during birth a lot of things happen. There is a term that is used which is called Obstetric emergencies, they say it is like severe bleeding and amniotic fluid embolism (when amniotic fluid enters a mother’s bloodstream), causing most deaths at delivery.

We have read a lot of stories about women who lost their lives while giving birth, and some people don’t know how lucky they are to see their loved ones after giving birth, because some women don’t even make it, to the delivery. There is nothing painful like hearing that your wife and child have died after going into labor.
People were left in pain after hearing that a lady by the name of Eva lost her life while giving birth, the lady was well-known as Dr. Eva Seoke, Social media timelines flooded with remembrances, tributes, and condolences for the loss of Dr. Eva Seoke. It is said that She had a good spirit that brightened everyone and made them feel special and loved.
Someone took to social media to share a message following the death of Dr. Eva, to remind some men how lucky they are, and how much they should appreciate their wives, for giving them, children. The person wrote: He lost his wife and daughter as she was in the process of giving birth. I cannot imagine the pain and sorrow he is feeling now, the endless questions he is asking himself at this moment. This funeral made me count my blessings.
-Let’s appreciate our wives, giving birth is a huge sacrifice.
– Let us be present partners, fathers, raising kids is difficult for a single parent.
– Having your wife and child coming home is a blessing, appreciate your child no matter the condition, and appreciate your wife even as her body changes.
– Be deliberate about being responsible as a father and life partner.