It’s 7pm on a weekday night and South Africans are tubed into House of Zwide – one of the biggest telenovelas to ever hit local TV.
What’s unique about House of Zwide is the quality of new talent that has broken into the limelight.

One of these is teenage sensation Nefisa Mkhabela who plays the role of Onalerona.
She has captivated the general TV audience so much that even young girls are now emulating her bright hair do.
But for her to steal the limelight like she as done, Nefisa had to rebell against her father’s wishes.
Her father did not want her to study anything art related and she was just undecided about what she wanted to do with her life.
“A year ago, I was still indecisive about what I wanted to do and study. The main thing I wanted to do was act, but my dad was set on me having a back-up plan and something to fall back on. He made it clear I shouldn’t study something in the arts,” she said.
She is on her way to greatness and judging by the love she has been receiving on social media, the sky definitely is the limit for her.