Zonke Mchunu, popularly known as Imani from Muvhango, surprised her fans with her makeup-free pictures. This talented young actress is exceptional in her role as Imani Mukwevho in SABC 2’s popular soapie, Muvhango.
Born on 12 October 1992 in the village of Maphumulo, KwaZulu-Natal, Zonke is now 28 and pursuing a successful career outside the entertainment industry as an artist and dancer.
She was raised by her single mother who worked at her high school to provide the best life possible for Zonke and her five siblings, four sisters, and a brother.
Dancing was always Zonke’s first passion, and she pursued it relentlessly, eventually becoming an actress. However, her biggest dream was to become the most famous and well-known dancer.
Fans love Zonke for her natural beauty and the fact that she doesn’t feel the need to wear makeup to look and feel beautiful. She is a unique and special actress, and her role as Imani has made her a fan favorite.
With her talent and dedication, Zonke is sure to have a rewarding career as an artist and dancer in South Africa.