This Ceaser is from Temu how can he do this to Sis T

This Ceaser is from Temu how can he do this to Sis T 😅😅 #smokeandmirrors

Monday 29 July 2024
Episode 76
Jaxon and Martha return to find the municipal workers trashing the hotel. Martha’s holds them in check while Jaxon flees.





Tuesday 30 July 2024
Episode 77
Martha warns Jaxon to fix the worker’s strike, she’s sick of them causing trouble at the hotel. Caesar gives Thandiswa the combination to his safe, showing how much, he trusts her.
Wednesday 31 July 2024
Episode 78
Thandiswa is interrogated by mysterious gangsters, unaware that Caesar is watching. Jaxon dishes out the town’s last funds to the strikers, panics when he learns of an impending audit.
Thursday 1 August 2024
Episode 79
Thandiswa is furious to find out that the kidnapping was a test by Caesar. He argues he needed to be sure he could trust her.
Friday 2 August 2024
Episode 80
Jaxon finds himself at Caesar’s mercy, pleading for a monumental R20-million bailout. Amidst the swirling emotions of a blossoming romance, Lillian seeks the truth behind Sakhile’s intentions with Petunia.
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