Bahumi Mhlongo, the 29-year-old actress and daughter of renowned entertainers Somizi Mhlongo and Palesa Madisakwane, is stepping into a new role: motivational speaking.
With her first seminar, Speak & Be Heard, scheduled for Saturday, 8 February 2024, at the Steyn City Hotel in Johannesburg, Bahumi is set to inspire audiences with her insights on confidence and personal growth.
The Inspiration Behind Speak & Be Heard
Speaking to Daily Sun, Bahumi shared her motivations for hosting the event.
There were a number of factors at play. The first is more of a personal one from a passion perspective. I really love people, and I think it’s a trait that we should all have. I genuinely care about people, and if there’s anything I can do to help, I want to share that,” she explained.
Her passion for helping others aligns with her long-standing love for public speaking, a skill she honed as early as grade 4. For Bahumi, motivational speaking isn’t just a whim—it’s a natural extension of her personality and life experiences.