Skeem Saam’s Clement Maosa thankful for playing Kwaito over 10 years.

Clement Maosa’s portrayal of the character Kwaito Seakamela on the popular South African television drama series Skeem Saam has been a remarkable journey. Viewers have had the privilege of witnessing the character’s evolution, from his high school days to his time at university and the attainment of his first job.



Now, Kwaito has reached a significant milestone in his life – married to Elizabeth Thobakgale. For Maosa, this development has been both exhilarating and humbling, as it serves as a poignant reminder of the longevity of his involvement in the show. After more than a decade of bringing Kwaito to life on the small screen, Maosa’s dedication and commitment to the character have undoubtedly contributed to the character’s growth and the audience’s enduring connection with him.

“I think we have explored him (Kwaito) so much because it is more of a journey. Now him becoming a husband is something wonderful. What I appreciate as Clement is that all these years I have had the opportunity to cry, laugh and go through different stages of life with this character,” said Maosa.Maosa, a character known for their adventurous love life, has shared that their fellow character, Kwaito, has always been aware of their desire to settle down. However, Kwaito was not expecting to be ready for this stage of their life so soon. This suggests that Kwaito’s personal growth and evolving priorities have led them to a point where they feel prepared to commit to a more stable and long-term romantic relationship, despite their previous perceptions about their readiness for such a significant life transition, according to Sunday World.

“I thought he would be ready maybe at a later stage when he was 35 or 40. Kwaito has been around. He has been a womaniser and he seemed to enjoy being more of a ladies man than commitment. I don’t think any of his relationships lasted more than two minutes except this one,” he said

Maosa’s journey from humble beginnings to remarkable success is a true testament to the power of determination and perseverance. Despite the challenges he faced growing up, the Mzansi star has emerged as a celebrated actor, businessman, and legal practitioner, captivating audiences both on and off the screen.

Hailing from Polokwane, Limpopo, Maosa initially pursued a law degree at the University of Limpopo, but his passion for acting ultimately led him to embrace his true calling. His decision to transition from the legal field to the entertainment industry has proven to be a wise choice, as Maosa has become one of the most recognized faces in the country, inspiring others with his remarkable story of overcoming adversity and achieving remarkable success.

In the Drum interview, Clement opened up about the difficulties he has faced in his life. He shared that he lost his mother while still in high school, and that his father also passed away shortly before he was set to begin university. These tragic events, occurring during critical points in his life, must have been immensely challenging for Clement to navigate. The loss of both parents at such a young age would have undoubtedly posed significant emotional and practical hurdles for him to overcome as he transitioned into adulthood and pursued his academic and career goals.

” I attempted suicide twice after losing both my parents. I felt like I had nothing to live for. Little did I know that my purpose is bigger.”