Shebeshxt’s daughter to be laid to rest: “I named her Onthatile, meaning God loves me”

Onthatile Chuene will be laid to rest today. Photo by Nhlanhla Khomola

THE funeral for Onthatile Chuene, daughter of Limpopo’s controversial rapper Shebeshxt, is set to happen on Saturday, 22 June.




Mourners, family, and friends will gather at Lebowakgomo, Limpopo, to pay their final respects to Onthatile and support the artist during this difficult time.

This comes after the nine-year-old tragically died in a car accident on 8 June en route to Lebowakgomo with her parents, Shebeshxt and Kholofelo Moloto.

The accident left the rapper with bruises, internal bleeding and an injured foot.

However, the family spokesman Lot Ramusi had previously assured Daily Sun that his foot is intact now.

“He had dislocations. On one leg, they put steel in and fitted a moon boot. The leg is OK. He can step with both legs,” he said. Onthatile Chuene will be laid to rest today. Photo by Nhlanhla Khomola

Ramusi said they hoped Shebeshxt would be able to attend his daughter’s funeral.

He said the musician is out of the ICU and recovering in a general ward.

“He was in ICU for about five days. He’s out of the ICU and much better. We’re waiting for the doctor’s confirmation so that they can make arrangements for him to attend the funeral,” Ramusi said.Onthatile Chuene will be laid to rest today. Photo by Nhlanhla Khomola

Shebeshxt’s mother, Mpho Chauke, said this is a difficult time for the family.

Speaking fondly of her granddaughter, Mpho recalled how she named the grandchild immediately after birth.

“I named her Onthatile, meaning God loves me. She was an apple of my eye. We used to share everything. She was so intelligent, always active and a lovely person. I’m shattered,” she said.