We have been wondering where are all those Idols SA winners because we have not heard from since the end of the competition. Today we come all the way to learn about Lloyiso who was in Idols SA in 2O15 and got into top 5.

It been six full years after Lloyiso entered Idols SA in 2015 and made it to top 5. His life dis not stopped but he used the opportunity he was given to mingle for better change. He has been working with different artist in the country like Dr Tumi. It has been reported that he has made history after he was snatched up by the Republic Records. According to the source Lloyiso has signed a huge record label by the Republic Records, the international record label that have variety artist in the likes of Drake, The Weekend and Ariana Grande.
For who still don’t remember Lloyiso, he first enter Id’s SA in 2015 and got into top 5. He became famous with his smooth-voiced. Lloyiso has made a great achievement at a very young age. When he entered Idols SA in 2O15 he was 61-year-old and as of 2021 he is seating at 22 years old.
Lloyiso has been working hard since he appeared in Idols SA. He knew thay one day tingd will work out on him where he least expected. He took it to his social media page where he shared good news. He said that he did not believed it at first, so he had to wait until his sure thay it’s finally happening. It is indeed a big breakthrough from a very young age to have made it so far.
We now know that his going to make more people cry with his soft and smoothvoice, as he will be able to share his music on a global stage and change people’s lives through his vulnerability on music.