In a heartbreaking turn of events, South Africa has lost one of its beloved veteran actors, Setlhabi Taunyane, known to many by his stage name, Bra Kop. The news of his passing has left fans and colleagues in shock and mourning.
In a heartbreaking turn of events, South Africa has lost one of its beloved veteran actors, Setlhabi Taunyane, known to many by his stage name, Bra Kop. The news of his passing has left fans and colleagues in shock and mourning.
In a dramatic twist that has captured the nation’s attention, South African actress Asavela Mngqithi finds herself embroiled in a public scandal following her divorce from her wealthy husband, Vuyisa Mqokiyana. The shocking split comes on the heels of allegations that Vuyisa has been involved in an affair with fellow actress Buhle Samuels, with reports suggesting that Vuyisa is now planning to marry her.
The news has dealt a devastating blow to Asavela, who welcomed a child with Vuyisa just a year ago. Known for her roles in popular South African television series, Asavela has now been thrust into an unwanted spotlight as the details of her husband’s infidelity and their subsequent divorce come to light.
Continue reading Asavela Mngqithi has been dumped & divorced by her rich
Burna Boy has been dragged by South Africans once again after scenes from the Miss Universe Nigeria pageant, featuring finalist Chidimma Adetshina – went viral.
The Nigerian artist – real name Damini Ebunoluwa Ogulu – has been vocal on his views of South Africans, whom he believes are “xenophobic.”
Continue reading Burna Boy mocked over Miss Universe Nigeria scenes: ‘Dragged Mia for this’
Summer bodies are made in winter, which is why Minister of Sport, Arts, and Culture Gayton McKenzie was up at the crack of dawn for an early morning run.
Continue reading Summer body loading? Gayton shares weight loss update
Podcaster, DJ and reality star Gogo Skhotheni is making headlines after she reportedly took to social media to open up about her abusive marriage.
The podcaster is making headlines after her leaked WhatsApp chats flooded X after being shared by popular user @S_Phola.
Continue reading A look at Gogo Skhotheni’s failed marriages