Unbelievable, Musa Mseleku’s reasons why he wants a 5th wife keep on changing. At first, Musa Mseleku revealed that he wants to marry a 5th wife because he wants to have 20 children. Currently, Musa has 10 children and it seems like he is working on getting to 20.Musa Mseleku’s Wives and The Truth About His Alleged 5th Wife

Some of Musa Mseleku’s wives’ ages though cannot allow for them to give him more kids. The time that he mentioned it, he was talking about MaCele and MaYeni. At the time, MaKhumalo and MaNgwabe still had a chance, but the problem with MaKhumalo is that she does not have children of her own.Thobile MaKhumalo Mseleku – YouTube
In the previous seasons of Uthando Nesthembu, Musa Mseleku’s reason for wanting the 5th wife at first was that he wanted to grow the MaKhumalo household.
MaKhumalo does not have children with Musa, so Musa now wants to marry someone who has the Khumalo surname so that MaKhumalo’s name will not perish. Musa said by doing this, he is apparently protecting MaKhumalo’s name.
Uthando Nesthembu is now in the 6th season and Musa Mseleku has yet again changed his reasons why he wants to marry the 5th wife. On the recent episode of Uthando Nesthembu, we saw Musa Mseleku visiting Mr. Ngcamu who helped him get MaYeni to join his polygamy. Musa Mseleku revealed that does not take a wife without informing Mr, Ngcamu.
“I wouldn’t take any wife without informing you”, said Musa.
With Mr. Ngcamu, Musa spoke about the 5th wife as he still wants to go ahead and marry again. Mr. Ncamu asked Musa Mseleku what if the wife that he wants to marry does not give him children. Musa Mseleku responded by saying, “One thing number 5 has gone past wanting more children. Even if she does not give me children it does not matter, what matters is protecting the legacy”.
It seems like this time around Musa wants to protect his legacy more than grow his household. In my opinion, I doubt that Musa will keep this reason for wanting to marry wife number 5, it seems like he just wants to find any reason possible so that his other wives can agree and allow him to marry another wife. What is your thought? Chat with us in the comments.