“Microbiologist” -Scandal Actress Marjorie Langa’s Educational Qualifications

“Microbiologist” -Scandal Actress Marjorie Langa’s Educational Qualifications

Leera Mthethwa, known as Miss Hlongwane from Gomora, has a social media segment where she educates various celebrities.Leera and Marjorie Langa teamed up on a video due to their involvement in the new show, Redemption. Learning Spitori, a challenging language, isn’t common, and Leera is among the few who can speak it.


Under the hashtag #spitoriWithJackie, she tests famous individuals on their knowledge of Spitori words and pronunciation. Marjorie, although initially interrupting Leera, has formed a friendly rapport with her.

In an Instagram video, Leera quizzes Marjorie on the meaning of “snogonogo.” Marjorie misunderstands, as she’s unfamiliar with Spitori, suggesting it means something nice. Leera clarifies that it refers to money.

Leera seems to be the sole celebrity proficient in this trendy dialect, making her a daily teacher to the entire industry.

Title: The Top Ten Highest-Paying Degrees in South Africa

In today’s competitive job market, choosing the right degree can significantly impact your earning potential. South Africa, with its diverse economy, offers numerous opportunities for graduates in various fields. Here’s a look at the ten most rewarding degrees in the country: