Matching outfit challenge 2023

If you’ve ever faced that moment at the beginning of the week where the prospect of dressing yourself for the next seven days with what’s already in your wardrobe seems all too hard then you’re not alone. It’s said that women only wear 20 per cent of what’s in their closet and faced with that number it’s easy to see how we can become bored with what we already own and fall into a rut of wearing the same outfits on rotation. So it’s time to shake things up! For one week (this is particularly handy now many o fus are working from home) I’m daring you to think beyond your tried and tested looks and start looking at what you own in a new way. It’s easy to constantly top up your wardrobe with new items but it’s knowing how to revamp what you have that will really expand your closet.
















To help you get started I’ve pulled together seven daily wardrobe challenges that will hopefully encourage you to think beyond your usual fashion repertoire and stumble upon an outfit you never knew you always wanted to wear. I think this is a great way to inject freshness into your ensembles and fall back in love with old pieces and discover new ways to wear them. Good luck and here’s to a week of great outfits!