Luke Ntombela refuse to retract allegations against DJ Tira

Upcoming singer Luke Ntombela has made it known that she won’t be retracting her allegations against DJ Tira.

However, this comes after the celebrated DJ said that the fast-rising star should retract her statements or will have to face legal action.



Earlier this month, Luke Ntombela revealed that she woke up half-naked in DJ Tira’s bed after she blacked out. Against the allegations, she leaked her alleged chats with the DJ.

According to the leaked chats, the DJ seemingly offered a payout to keep the incident under wraps. Rumour mill has it that part of the payout included a payout and a recording deal.

The fast-rising star has made it known that she wants nothing from the star. However, Ntombela only wants DJ Tira to reveal what happened the night she blacked out.

In her recent Facebook rant, Luke Ntombela revealed that she wouldn’t be interested in retracting the damming allegations. “Excuse me, but I am not interested in engaging in any further conversation with you at the moment,” Luke said on her page.

She accused the muso of only caring about his reputation and not her serious allegations. Luke Ntombela went on to reveal that the DJ was trying to shut her down by asking her to name the price.

“DJ Tira… The things that make me feel bad about you are: I am explaining the damage you have done to me. But all you seem to care about is your brand. (You know, tarnishing your brand was never my intention,” said Luke Ntombela.

“2. Even if I tell you that I don’t want anything from you and you don’t explain it to me, you don’t hear me. Instead, you try to convince me to come up with the amount of money I want,” she said.

Her bold claims convinced many that she had a strong case against DJ Tira. After her recent radio interview, the DJ unleashed his lawyers on her. DJ Tira’s lawyers revealed that the fast-rising star should give an unconditional apology to the DJ.

The lawyers also said she should retract her statements or face legal action.

“We demand a retraction of such malicious and defamatory statements against our clients through the social media you used to publish them. You must further conduct a radio interview through the same radio station, retract the interview you conducted, and offer an unconditional apology,” said the lawyers.

Part of the letter reads, “Failure of which will leave our clients without an option but to seek legal redress against your unlawful conduct to protect our client’s brand.”