Lerato Nxumalo Exits ‘Scandal!’ for Different Career Path, Fans Pra ise Her Work on eTV Show

In a surprising turn of events, actress Lerato Nxumalo has exited the popular South African soap opera Scandal! to join her white boyfriend in Sweden. According to sources, her boyfriend, who is preparing to marry her, no longer wants her to continue with acting. He has promised to give her anything she wants, leveraging his considerable wealth to support her.




A Love-Driven Departure
Lerato Nxumalo, known for her role as Phakamile on Scandal!, has decided to prioritize her personal life over her burgeoning acting career. Her boyfriend, a wealthy individual from Sweden, has asked her to leave the show as part of their plans to start a life together. The couple is reportedly planning their wedding, with her boyfriend eager to ensure she has everything she desires.

Farewell to Phakamile
Fans of Scandal! will undoubtedly miss Lerato’s portrayal of Phakamile, a character who has been integral to the show’s recent storylines. Her exit marks the end of a significant chapter for both the actress and the show. Lerato’s departure is bittersweet for her fans, who have grown to love her performance and will miss her presence on screen.A Promised Return
Despite her current departure, Lerato Nxumalo has assured fans that she will be back on Scandal! next year. Interestingly, she will return in a different role, one that does not involve any r.0mantic storylines. This change is likely a nod to her new personal circumstances and her boyfriend’s preferences.

Future Prospects
Lerato’s move to Sweden and the upcoming marriage signal a new beginning for the actress. While her departure from Scandal! is driven by love and personal commitments, her promise to return in a new role keeps the door open for future contributions to the show. Her fans can look forward to seeing her back on screen, albeit in a different capacity.