Wwell-known South African actress Baby Cele declined an offer from a man who wanted to pray for her.
She explained that her refusal was not out of arrogance.

As someone who is spiritually guided, Baby is cautious about who she allows to pray for her.
“I’m a spiritual person. I don’t control what happens in my life and can’t do anything on my own. Hence, I declined the man’s offer to pray for me. I didn’t explain anything to him, I just said no,” Baby shared.
The man approached her with a request to pray for her, to which she immediately said no. Later, she felt guilty, wondering if the man was sent to prevent potential misfortunes.
Baby Cele
“I thought maybe this man was spiritually sent to pray for me, maybe to stop bad things that might happen to me,” she said.
While shopping, Baby observed the same man asking an elderly lady for permission to pray for her, who also declined. This reassured her that her decision was justified.
She realized that not everyone who offers to pray is spiritually pure.
The actress emphasized the importance of respecting her spiritual boundaries.
“I don’t do things my way. I’m a spiritual person. Some might see my rejection as arrogance, but it wasn’t. When my spirit says no, I must respect that. I can never let anyone pray for me.”
Baby also highlighted the risks of allowing the wrong people to pray for her.
“What if I allow someone to pray for me and then encounter problems? Do I blame them or myself for not listening to my spiritual instincts?”
Baby left Uzalo to focus more on her spiritual journey