Skeem Saam viewers will soon have to say goodbye to a talented actress who graced their screens for a brief but impactful stint. Florence Masebe, who took over the role of Meikie Maputla from the beloved Harriet Manamela earlier this year, is preparing to depart the show.
Manamela’s temporary leave of absence stemmed from a hip replacement surgery. Stepping into the formidable shoes of Meikie, Masebe seamlessly filled the void, ensuring the character remained a constant presence in the lives of Turfloop residents.
Taking to social media, Masebe expressed her heartfelt appreciation for the experience. “It’s almost time to say goodbye to the Turfloop bunch,” she shared. “Thank you for the beautiful ride. See you on the next… Ndi a livhuwa. Aa.” (Ndi a livhuwa translates to “I am grateful” in Venda).
Fortunately, Manamela has made a full recovery and is eager to reclaim her spot on Skeem Saam. She recently connected with fans online, expressing gratitude for their unwavering support during her hiatus and acknowledging Masebe’s stellar performance:
“To my dearest sesi Florence Masebe ‘ngwana Manamela’ as you fondly call me,” Manamela wrote. “You responded to the call of duty and did what you know best. Being one of SA’s powerful performers we definitely are looking forward to enjoying your episodes and your strong abilities to bringing characters to life. I humble myself before you sis Flo and say ‘Kea leboga sesi’ (Thank you, sister).”
While Masebe’s departure marks the return of Manamela, it doesn’t diminish the impact she made on the show. Fans undoubtedly enjoyed her portrayal of Meikie and will likely eagerly await her future projects.
This bittersweet development signifies a changing of the guard for the character of Meikie. Skeem Saam audiences can look forward to Manamela’s return, while Masebe’s talent promises to continue captivating viewers on new ventures.