Jub jub….he was spotted yesterday with Amanda Du Pont and they reconciled to build a family. In a surprising turn of events, musician and television personality Jub Jub was spotted with his ex-girlfriend, Amanda Du Pont, yesterday. The sighting comes shortly after Jub Jub’s recent legal victory, where the court ruled in his favor against allegations
The past few years have seen a tumultuous relationship between the two, marked by serious accusations and a high-profile court case. Amanda Du Pont’s allegations led to Jub Jub’s arrest, but this month, the court found him not guilty, closing a significant chapter in their lives.Now, it appears that Jub Jub and Amanda may be looking to move forward together. Eyewitnesses reported seeing the former couple in a seemingly amicable and int!mate setting, leading to widespread speculation that they have reconciled and might even be considering starting a family together.