All posts by fashiong4

Congratulations as Limpopo Millionaire Skomata impregnatès Mzansi’s top celebrities

In the vibrant nightlife of Limpopo, a local entertainer known as Skomata is making waves for his unconventional behavior in clubs, leaving onlookers and fans questioning his actions. Skomata’s penchant for lavish galavanting, coupled with his has ignited a flurry of speculation about the potential consequences.As the year comes to a close, whispers in social circles are suggesting that many women who have been seen in close proximity to Skomata may find themselves expecting in the coming year. This speculation even extends to famous celebrities, as Skomata has been spotted with some well-known figures in the entertainment industry.




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Uncle Jakes has been added to the list of people who blew their money #etvScandal

Uncle Jakes has been added to the list of people who blew their money
#etvScandal Tuesday 19 March 2024
Episode 253
Simone’s unexpected curve ball for Nhlamulo escalates tensions, while a businessman plans to deceive his partners and Bra Jakes faces a loss due to his new purchase growing legs.


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House of Zwide 3 Teasers – April 2024

Monday 1 April 2024
Episode 186
Sandile has harsh words for Zanele over her decision to tell Zola about the pregnancy. Zanele then promises a concerned Sandile she won’t have anything to do with Zola again.

Tuesday 2 April 2024
Episode 187
After being carjacked and badly assaulted, Nkosi later manages to get help from a passer-by and calls Funani. Meanwhile, the anomaly with Zanele’s baby proves to be nothing serious and she and the baby start bonding. Wednesday 3 April 2024
Episode 188
Faith reassures Shoki that Nkosi will receive the best care possible. She then turns to a conflicted Funani and urges him to take Nkosi back home and give him the best care that he can as a father.




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