Sonia Booth opens up about the emotional toll her divorce took on her in an interview with Radio 2000.
The author and model Sonia Booth says her recent divorce from Matthew Booth drained her physically and financially.
“It was a year and five months of legal battles, heavily contested and nasty. It drained me emotionally, physically and financially. But I think all that was necessary because I was not about to settle under terms that were going to come back to bite me later in life,” she says in the interview.
“It’s been quite a rollercoaster ride. I’m grateful for the support system I have because, had it not been for that, I wouldn’t be sitting here today. I think I would’ve been in a mental institution, or I would have died, and I’m not exaggerating when I say that.”
“I thought surviving the ICU was the worst experience. No, it was not. The past year and five months have been. If I ever needed to know what hell looks or feels like, I’ve been there and come out of it. What you see now is a phoenix, and there’s no stopping because I’ve been through it. I’ve been through the fire, and the fact that I came out of it alive from the ashes means you’ve got another force you have to put up with,” she said.
The author and businesswoman maintains a positive outlook despite going through a challenging divorce.
The model and businesswoman Sonia Booth recently revealed to The Citizen that the dissolution of her marriage was granted on 28 June this year.
She adds that she will now focus on expanding her business, The Marula Cheesecake Passion, internationally.
The businesswoman explains that the brand’s name was inspired by what the public termed “CheesecakeGate.”
“The response has been positive to a point where I now have four product ranges. These include five different varieties of liqueur, something I achieved within five months of the launch.”
Her product line includes alcoholic ice cream, alcoholic frozen yoghurt, and five liqueurs ranging from clear salted caramel to butterscotch, rose, and raspberry.