The VIP section at Chillax has officially opened. Gloria and MaHilda can’t believe seeing Mary Magdalena as one of the hostesses. #etvScandal

Monday 24 June 2024
Episode 62

Taps leaps onto new information and enlists someone on the inside. Mary’s new job ruffles Cee-Jay’s feathers. Dintle seemingly settles into her new reality.

Tuesday 25 June 2024
Episode 63

A spy is caught in the act, but the mastermind gets exactly what he was after. Winter nights at Chillax get steamier now that there is a feminine touch to the place.

Wednesday 26 June 2024
Episode 64

Dintle pokes the bear and lands up in hot water. Taps takes throwing a friend under the bus to a whole new level. Chillax’s revamp turns heads and sparks disapproval.

Thursday 27 June 2024
Episode 65

Mdala is on high alert but someone close to him throws a curveball. Dintle’s questioning yields half-answers and she realises she messed up big time.

Friday 28 June 2024
Episode 66

There is a thin line between life and death, and someone’s nudged over the edge. Mdala gets crucial intel when he witnesses a dodgy meet up.