Meet the lady who looks exactly like Brenda Fassie

Bathabile Ngubeni, a young woman hailing from the Kwazulu-Natal province, has gained significant recognition due to her striking resemblance to the late Brenda Fassie. Wherever she ventures, people approach her with inquiries about her connection to the renowned actress. Some individuals are genuinely astonished when they witness the uncanny resemblance between Bathabile and Fassie.






In her professional life, Bathabile works as a forex agent, showcasing her versatility beyond her resemblance to Brenda Fassie. Approximately three years ago, she was approached by numerous individuals who encouraged her to audition for the role of Brenda in an upcoming biopic about Fassie, a movie scripted by Brenda’s son, Bongani Fassie. Bathabile faced this proposition as a challenge, gracefully accepting the parallel drawn between her and the iconic Brenda Fassie, as if she were destined to be the embodiment of Fassie for this generation.

Bathabile discloses that she has always been addressed as Brenda by acquaintances, with some individuals exclusively referring to her by that name. Over time, she has grown accustomed to this association and has even adopted the name on her workplace access card and social media platforms. It is worth noting that Bathabile is of Zulu heritage, while Brenda Fassie belonged to the Xhosa clan, highlighting their different ethnic backgrounds.

However, Bathabile firmly states that she shares no blood relation with Brenda Fassie. Despite their shared resemblance, Bathabile possesses her own distinct qualities and aspirations. She possesses a delightful and eccentric personality, much like her doppelgänger, but she readily acknowledges that singing is not her forte, admitting to having a less than melodious voice.