A man leaves Mzansi in stitches after sharing why he has not paid Lobola after Many years

A man leaves Mzansi in stitches after sharing why he has not paid Lobola after Many yearsAs a man before you live with a woman under one roof, you have to pay Lobola according to African beliefs. Even though it may be the case, there are a lot of couples who are doing “”.



With that being said, a man caused a frenzy on social media after sharing why he hasn’t paid Lobola. Basically his response was, “her family did not remind me to pay Lobola”. There were mixed reactions on the comments.

Some were saying the man is not serious about making his marriage official according to culture. Others mentioned that his reasoning is hilarious and strange at the same time. There’s a lot that people had to say, see more reactions down below;

Vat n Sit means to take a partner and settle down together without the formalities that come with marriage.

Share your thoughts on the comment section, what do you think about the post and people’s reactions overall?
