Nomonde Vakalisa, a beloved presenter on Umhlobo Wenene FM, has passed away at the age of 47. The news of her death was confirmed on Wednesday morning by Loyiso Bala, the SABC business manager for the Eastern Cape Combo, during a live broadcast on the station’s popular show *Khanya Gqiyazana*. Bala announced that more details regarding her passing would be shared in due time.
Vakalisa had been battling an illness for some time, though specifics about her health condition were not immediately disclosed. She was widely known for her work as a co-host on Umhlobo Wenene FM’s religious programmes, where she touched the lives of many with her warm and inspiring presence.
Continue reading Rip Umhlobo Wenene FM Presenter & Pastor Who Hosted Imvuselelo Show >Nomonde Vakalisa< 46 Has Sadly Passed Away