Single mother of 3 different men. Kelly Khumalo photo

Fans are abuzz with excitement and speculation as they wholeheartedly believe that Kelly Khumalo’s newest addition to the family, her third baby, bears an uncanny resemblance to the singer’s sister, Zandile Khumalo Gumede. The fervor ignited after Kelly shared a glimpse of her third child’s face in a heartwarming Instagram post on December 26.


In the shared photo, Kelly Khumalo radiates joy as she poses alongside her daughters Thingo and Luna. It’s a touching moment capturing the essence of family. As the discussion around Luna’s appearance unfolds, enthusiasts of the singer’s life and journey have flooded social media with their observations.

The celebrated singer and mother of three has a diverse family tree, with her firstborn, Christian, being the son of TV host Jub Jub, and Thingo, her daughter, being fathered by the late soccer star Senzo Meyiwa.

Luna, the adorable new addition welcomed into the world in 2023, has left fans curious about her paternity. Kelly has chosen to keep the identity of Luna’s father under wraps, adding an element of mystery to the unfolding story.

Reports have circled speculating that Kaizer Chiefs midfielder Mthokozisi Vinent Yende is Luna’s “baby daddy,” given their rumored three-year relationship. However, both Kelly Khumalo and Yende have maintained a tight-lipped stance on confirming or denying this speculation, leaving fans to speculate further.

Amidst the curiosity about Luna’s parentage, the prevailing sentiment among fans centers on the striking resemblance between the newborn and Zandile Khumalo Gumede. Comments like “She looks so much like Zandile… Photocopy Ya Zandile” and “Yoh the new baby looks like Zandile” echo across social media platforms, illustrating the collective observation of the family’s resemblance.

The enthusiastic chatter continues as fans express their admiration for the beautiful Khumalo family, with comments like “Yoh she looks so much like auntie Zandi, what beautiful girls you have mama 😍😍😍😍.” The ongoing speculation and engagement reflect the public’s keen interest in the lives and relationships of celebrities, turning each shared glimpse into a shared moment of community discussion and joy.